(Anticlockwise from top left) Topshop, £34; Maarten van der Horst for Topshop, £140; Stella McCartney, £570; Zoe Karssen, £95.
Hawaiian prints are making a comeback this summer. Whether its a modest palm tree jumper (above left, by Zoe Karssen) or printed all over some shorts (top left, Topshop), the tropical print is everywhere. But how far is too far when it comes to following trends?
The trend is set to hit both designers and the high street hard, so where should you look for a subtle Hawaiian piece, to give a nod to the trend, but to also not look garish and tacky?
Above are my four favourite pieces from high-end and high-street. The blazer by Maarten van der Horst, for Topshop, (top right) is one of my favourites. It combines a beautiful palette of muted colours with just the right amount unusual-nesss, and the result is lovely, but with a slightly scary £140 price-tag. If you're like me, and have to ask for stuff like this for birthdays etc, then I have seen some convincing copies in much cheaper shops like Primark and New Look. Another good place to look is ebay: there are many designer cast-offs up for grabs.
I thoroughly believe that Hawaiian prints can be trendy, providing you never, ever invest in a Hawaiian three piece suit. Ever.
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